Do It Again Uncle Billy Memes

Recently, my beau writers in ID have penned a spate of fire-eating articles which have taken the fight to our ideological enemies, both inside and outside the South, who purport themselves to exist our allies – until we disagree with them. I am referring to the Yankee white nationalists, as well as, sweet tea skinheads of the League. Equally someone who has been waging this battle for nigh a year, it is a delight to encounter so many wonderfully written articles and well idea out podcasts as we seek to distance and differentiate ourselves from the optically challenged dregs of the Alt-Right. And yet, these…people…seem utterly confused at the recent vigor with which Identity Dixie has dedicated itself.

Absolutely, I am less familiar with the League of the South, so I shall leave that crusade to Padraig Martin. Today's focus will be on the Yankee White Trashionalist, with whom I am sadly all also acquainted with.

The mutual theme as these troglodytes struggle to come up with a counter-argument to the thought that Southerners and Yankees are not the same people, accept never been the same people, and can never exist the same people is that they claim to not understand why nosotros are so upset. They claim that nosotros accept aggressed them without provocation. Of course, view whatsoever of their threads on which they discuss the issue of Southern Nationalism or secession, and invariably a "Do it again, Uncle Baton" meme will brand an appearance. This is a reference to the red headed arsonist'southward fabled March to the Sea, wherein he engaged in total war against our women, children and our hearths.

Yankees that postal service this accept a 125% run a risk of being third generation immigrants.

Information technology is a mystery as to why Southerners would want no congress with people who so flippantly make reference to that series of atrocities. We are the bad guy in the eyes of the white trashionalist because we do non want to exist associated with Yankees who gloat the Southern genocide which occurred from 1861-1877. Confront them about it and you'll get i or several of the following responses. "Bro, we're all white, here." "Bro, it's merely a meme." Or, my personal favorite: "Why are yous still mad about what happened 150 years agone?!"

Outwardly, they behave every bit though they do not understand neither our current nor our historical animosity toward the Yankee nation. This is due to the fact that for them, a nation is nada more than than an ethnicity. Language? Irrelevant, all white people are the same. Religion? Irrelevant because they're all atheists or LARPy pagans. Civilisation? Some of them have latched on to Japanese culture, which itself is a mishmash of European and traditional Japanese themes. A byproduct of rapid Japanese industrialization in the 19th and mid-20th centuries wherein the Nips attempted to mimic Europe. So, that also is irrelevant. Shared history? nO more brother WaRs, it doesn't matter what our people did to yours in ages by. We're all the same Now.

Stake skin is the but thing that matters to them and it is shoddy footing on which to base a national identity, much less a supranational identity. I am no more willing to forgive Yankee atrocity than Poles are willing to forgive German language and Russian barbarism. And why should I? They still hate me and my people. Don't believe me? I'll show information technology.

There is a particular meme which floats around in the bowels of the Alt-Correct wherein completely unsourced claims are fabricated about the history of slavery in the South. Well, that'southward not entirely true, one of those memes does take random citation notes that go nowhere and are poorly spelled. Simply it LOOKS similar a footnote so information technology must exist true, right? Specifically, this meme states that 78% of all slaves were endemic by Jews and that 4 out of every 100 Jews endemic slaves versus 3.v out of every 100 whites. Never listen that given the population disparity, the second statistic disproves the first. Per the 1860 US demography, there were roughly 150,000 Jews living in the Usa. 4 in every 100 ways that 375 Jews owned 78% of the slaves while 76,285 [(3.5/100) x 27,700,000) whites owned the remainder. But oh wait, information technology'd exist less than that as natives and costless blacks also owned slaves. But, the white nationalist never lets a few facts get in the way of a practiced narrative.

The staying power of this obvious falsehood speaks to the Yankee white nationalist's hatred of the Due south. Because there is goose egg more that this mouth breather hates more than than the men with little hats and past making the State of war Between us about them , the WN has, in his own mind, covered himself with saintly armor and absolved his ancestors of their claret guilt for what they did to the Southward. Rightly or wrongly, the war is a fundamental part of our identity equally Southerners.

I've heard many convincing arguments that this narrow focus on a iv-twelvemonth period of a 400-year history cheapens who and what we are as Southerners. Even from the perspective of trying to detail Yankee barbarism, Reconstruction was far worse. The South still suffers economically because of the 12 year all-you-tin can-steal rapacity of the Yankee carpetbaggers and the bluecoats who enforced the program of theft. But by tying the war to slavery and slavery to Jews, the Yankee WN belies his true feelings toward us. The aforementioned as he does when he shares Sherman and Grant memes.

At that place is withal more that tin be gleaned most the WN mind from this meme. Firstly, it displays that he has no agency. Everything that the WN deems as "bad" proceeds from the little hats. The white people he claims are so superior to all others are non actors on their ain stage, simply pawns on a Hebrew chess board. More than than a little incongruous, no?

The elementary truth is that for all the negative influence which that Tribe has had on European diplomacy, they are essentially influence peddlers. Without millions upon millions of willing collaborators in their host nations, their nonsense would fall on deafened ears and be ignored. Which, ironically, is the fate of white nationalism. Ignored due to an utter lack of support. But it's easier to blame others than to self-reflect and say, "you lot know, my ain people are to blame for this, as well."

Inb4 I get accused of hypocrisy; I strongly believe that my own ancestors had their own sins which the Almighty demanded be extirpated before their descendants could be gratis. It is just through Providence that sure battles which might take turned the state of war were won, or at to the lowest degree fought to a draw (Sharpsburg and Gettysburg) past the Federals. He did not will it to be so at that time. He had his reasons for that. Simply I do not believe that reason was slavery.

Slandering slavery as an evil unmasks the white nationalist equally fundamentally leftist. Or, rather, provides further evidence to the example, after his disbelief, his hedonism, and his credence of the idea that all historical events must be viewed through the leftist approved moral lens. Accepting the thought that slavery is evil is necessary to justify that what the Yankees did to us was righteous. Killing roughly a 1000000 people and allowing countless more to starve to death after the war? Big oof, fam. Only wait, if we did information technology to end evil slavery, surely that makes information technology okay, right? Ironic, really, given that this is the same justification that modernity uses to paper over the postal service-WWII atrocities committed against indigenous Germans: they did the Holocaust, so killing them is okie dokie. In both cases the statement is sophomoric and unsatisfying.

In that location is no ideological consistency to the white nationalist. He'southward as well low agency and too poorly informed to maintain a common thread. He is good at parody songs, irony broism, before long to be forgotten "hot takes" and obscene late-night drunken online ramblings. Yankees were skillful when they stomp the Due south a mudhole and then walk it dry out, but were bad when they did that to the armies of the Reich because reasons.

The only answer is because the white nationalist loves the NSDAP and hates Southerners. Proof positive that nosotros exercise not belong together any longer. Despite the obvious truth of Yankee hatred for the South, the WN Yankee will go confused and irate (or human action that style in his online persona) when nosotros Southerners say that we want our ain identify for our own people. The very blood and soil the white nationalist claims to back up.

Simply then, that has always been the mark of the Yankee. Information technology is not adept enough for him that he can have his ain thing in his own place. Everyone everywhere must practice things equally the Yankee sees fit or else. The WNs are no unlike. They hate Southerners and yet do not want us to exist free because then they couldn't "reform" us into being godless leftists like they are. Nosotros're the bad guys for pushing back against them. Truly, the Yankee cries out equally he strikes you.


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